Book Review: “Scene of the Climb” by Kate Dyer-Seeley (Pacific Northwest Mystery)


Title:  Scene of the Climb

Author:  Kate Dyer-Seeley

Series:  Pacific Northwest Mystery

Synopsis (from

Portland, Oregon, is the perfect fit for someone like Meg Reed. It’s a city with a small town feel, where she can crash on the couch of her best friend Jill, now that she’s graduated from journalism school. . .

But a girl needs a job, so Meg bluffs her way into writing for Northwest Extreme magazine, passing herself off to editor-in-chief Greg Dixon as an outdoor adventure enthusiast. Never mind that Meg’s idea of sport is climbing onto the couch without spilling her latte. So when she finds herself clawing to the top of Angel’s Rest—a two-thousand-foot peak—to cover the latest challenge in a reality TV adventure show, she can’t imagine feeling more terrified. Until she witnesses a body plummet off the side of the cliff. Now Meg has a murder to investigate. And if the climbing doesn’t kill her, a murderer just might. . .


My thoughts:  What an absolutely wonderful new cozy mystery series.  I loved it so much!  This series literally has laugh out loud moments as you read about young Meg faking her way as an outdoor enthusiast – harrowing climbs in the mountains, trail hikes, hilarious!  As a complete city girl, non outdoor person myself, I could literally picture myself trying to do these feats in nature – and laughing out loud.

I love the relationship and closeness of the main group of characters – Meg, Jill, and Matt!  Great group!

And having myself never been to Oregon, I absolutely loved reading about the nature and scenery of the Pacific Northwest. As I was reading, I started to think I could be an outdoor superhero – it passed.

Overall, a great new mystery series with laugh out loud moments, great characters, and absolutely beautiful descriptions of a beautiful part of the country!

A cozy mystery series not to be missed.

And remember,

Books Are Life,



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